March 9, 2021
The Singing Bowl Gallery

Our Binaural microphone is a 3Dio Free Space Pro II and Christina performed a sound bath with the microphone placed where someone lies down and is surrounded by Himalayan Full Moon Singing Bowls.
The aim of the Singing Bowl sessions is to achieve better mental peace and personal wellbeing through the therapeutic sound of the Singing Bowls. They offer weekly group classes, personal therapy, and customised corporate workshops. If you're interested to purchase a bowl, The Singing Gallery represents authentic Singing Bowl makers from Nepal and has a selection of bowl for you to choose from
The Singing Bowl Gallery Website
Those First Six Numbers
In 2021, there was a internet trend where someone who say
Tell me you're (X) without telling me you're (X)
X could be anything - a profession, a mood, a generation - and the idea was that you had to convey that without being so explicit. It basica…
Podcast Reboot!
This podcast took a 1 year break in late 2021, and I've been asked a few times, "why?" So let me explain...
The concept of this podcast has been interesting sounds in Singapore, and where possible, recording them with immersive techniques, to reall…